Put Some Colour In Your World
Welcome to the Paint Horse Association Website
The Paint Horse shares a common ancestry with the Quarter Horse and the Thoroughbred. A registered Paint horse should conform to the same “stock horse” body type desired in Quarter Horses: a muscular animal that is heavy but not too tall, with a low center of gravity for maneuverability, and powerful hindquarters suitable for rapid acceleration and sprinting.
When the Quarter Horse Associations emerged to preserve horses of the “stock” type, it excluded those with pinto coat patterns and “crop out” horses, those born with white body spots or white above the knees and hocks. Undeterred, fans of colorful stock horses formed a variety of organizations to preserve and promote Paint horses. This is how the Paint Horse Associations around the word were formed
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Before the Paint Horse Association was established it was the New Zealand Pinto Paint Horse Society.
Since 1980 Pintos have been shown and bred but with the arrival of Van Dee Bars a Tobiano Paint stallion imported form Australia in 1983 by Gray Siteman, a horse that has had a great influence on the Paints and Pintos vastly improving bloodlines, producing colour and whose progeny have been shown successfully at halter and performance. Over the years Gray bred his stallion to Quarter Horse mares producing quality Paint Horses.
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